Thursday, October 21, 2010

Nothing But Respect for Juan Williams

Juan Williams has always seemed to me to be a very intelligent Democrat that can defend his position without rhetoric that most Democrats use when facing the likes of Bill O'Reilly or Sean Hannity.  When I use to listen to NPR several years ago, I always enjoyed listening to Juan because of his very good explanations for why he thought the way he did.  He always made sense in his beliefs, even if I rarely agreed with him.  I am so excited to hear that he will be working full time for Fox News.  I have wanted this for a long time.  Fox needs more Democrats that can hold their own.  If the Democrats were smart, they would get the intelligent Democrats that can hold their own and get them on their financially defunct news outlets.  Until then, FOX will continue to attract the best and brightest of both parties and have them on their networks.
       I wish nothing but the best for Juan with FOX, and would highly encourage FOX to give Juan a radio show to attract the many people who listened to him on NPR.  I would enjoy thoughtful discussion about Juan and the coming elections and who the best up and coming Republican candidates might be.  I have my favorite, but I want to wait and get more outside opinions before I voice my favorite.  Could the Tea Party actually put forth a serious candidate?

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